Crowdfunding Checklist
After the Campaign

What do you do now?

It’s been a lot of work, but you have done it! Congratulations! It’s time to celebrate and relax for a little bit of time before you get stuck back into all the work you need to do with the money you have raised.

Before you take a little bit of much-needed down-time (always remember to practice self-care and look after your wellbeing), make sure to publicise and leverage your achievements and thank everyone who has supported you – authentically express your gratitude and appreciation. You have communicated so well with people during the campaign, so don’t stop now, keep updating them and exceed their expectations. They very well may become valuable future customers for you.

Make sure you deliver any promised rewards on time. And if there is any delay, let people know. Most people will be understanding of valid reasons for any delay, but you do need to let them know why.

Take a little time to check all your records and safely keep a note of any details that you need re rewards and supporters. Also keep a careful note of the amounts raised and any other financial information needed re fees and VAT – your accountant will need them for your accounts. If anything is unclear, ask for information from the crowdfunding platform you used.

Pause and reflect on what went well for you and what you might do differently if you were to do it again. Also, you may have had a lot more ideas for how to improve your business as you developed the campaign – don’t lose sight of these. They may not have been right for the crowdfunding campaign, but they may be valuable in other areas of your work.

And finally, you’re an inspirational role model now! You have achieved a significant milestone in your business journey, laid the groundwork for a lasting connection with all your supporters and tuned your vision into reality. Share your experiences and learnings with other women who are crowdfunding. Just as people have helped you in your journey, you can now help others. Here’s to your success!