Crowdfunding Checklist

If you are taking your first steps to start up your own business, firstly take a quick look through our Start-up Checklist for some useful tools and tips on getting started. It’s a useful step-by-step checklist to help guide your thinking about all the key activities you need to do to get started.

However, whether you are just starting your business or have already started up, crowdfunding can be a great way to raise some cash quickly. Before you dive right in to raising money though, it’s useful to understand the different types of crowdfunding available and take the time to decide which type is best for you. Have a look here for more information on the different types of crowdfunding and consider if any of the options would work for you.

If you don’t want to take on any debt or release any equity in your business at this early stage, then donations and rewards-based crowdfunding is best for you.

Donations-based crowdfunding is the simplest way to raise small amounts of money. People donate money to you to help your business and don’t ask for anything in return except to be updated on your progress. It’s usually best suited to local initiatives and social enterprises.

With rewards-based crowdfunding you set up a range of different rewards, such as a first sample of your product, in return for different levels of pledges (i.e. money). You use all the money you raise to fund your business.

If either of these approaches sound right for you, then you have come to the right place! Our “Crowdfunding Checklist” will guide you through all that you need to do.

There are four key steps to a great crowdfunding campaign: planning what you want to do; creating your campaign; running your campaign and then following up and analysing your campaign. Everyone can do this, even if you have no business experience, but it does take a lot of time and effort. And remember you can crowdfund as often as you want so you don’t have to do everything all at once!

We suggest you read through this entire Checklist quickly to understand what it’s all about, then if you decide it’s for you, come back and take time to go through all the steps in more detail. The most successful campaigns follow a structured process like this one – and if other people can do it, then so can you!

Step 1 How to Plan Your Campaign

Step 2 How to Create Your Campaign

Step 3 How to Run Your Campaign

Step 4 After the Campaign