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Business Planning

Having the right plan in place to take you forward.

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Brexit and what it means for you

Now that the UK has left the EU, what does this mean, and what must we do to adapt? We’ve found lots of resources to help you operate your business after Brexit.

The 6 Ms of a successful start-up plan

When you are starting and growing a business it can sometimes be a little overwhelming as there are so many different things to think about in terms of your product development, your research, your marketing, your team, the money you need…the list goes on and on! And the advice varies too, just to add to the confusion and overwhelm.

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What bankers want to see in your plan

A well prepared and researched business plan is a valuable asset to any business. It sets out the business vision, goals and the model by which the business goals will be achieved in one document, together with financial projections. Former banker Carrie offers tips on what banks look for in a plan.

Do more with a joint venture

In general terms, a joint venture is a commercial arrangement between two or more parties who agree to work together, combining resources and skills, to achieve a particular goal.

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